Prime Number Search in Python | Learning ProgrammingIn this post I will be showing you how to implement a naive prime number search in python. I will try to be explaining things along the…Nov 17, 2023Nov 17, 2023
Published inTowards DevRock, Paper, Scissors game Python Basics part #6 | Learning ProgrammingToday we will be making a Rock, Paper, Scissors game in python. Let’s start with asking the user what they want to use in the gameOct 27, 2023Oct 27, 2023
Published inTowards DevPython Basics Part 5| Learning ProgrammingWelcome to part 5 of this series if you haven’t read the other parts you probably should or you might be lost. In this part we will be…Oct 20, 2023Oct 20, 2023
Python Basics Part 4 | Learning ProgrammingWelcome to part 4 of this series if you have read the other parts you probably should or you might be lost. In this part we will be…Oct 13, 2023Oct 13, 2023
Pointer Basics Part 2 | Learning ProgrammingLast time we learned what a pointer is and how to use it. This time we will expand on that knowledge to hopefully make pointers something…Oct 6, 2023Oct 6, 2023
Bubble Sort | Learning ProgrammingBubble sort is a sorting algorithm. It’s the most basic kind of sort. It’s probably the first method that someone would use if they were…Sep 29, 2023Sep 29, 2023
Recreating printf in C Part 2 | Learning ProgrammingSo from the last time we had this code:Sep 22, 2023Sep 22, 2023
Python Basics Part 3 | Learning ProgrammingIn this section we will be learning how loops work in python. Loops are a very useful programming tool. for example if you want to print…Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Python Basics Part 2 | Learning ProgrammingLet’s continue our lesson on the basics of python by learning about if’s and else’s. The if statement checks if something is true and does…Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
Python basics - part 1 | Learning ProgrammingPython is a very easy to learn programming language. It has it’s own unique syntax compared to other languages though, but that isn’t hard…Sep 1, 2023Sep 1, 2023